Travel Health

Travel vaccination appointments are limited - if appointments are fully booked, patients will need to contact a private travel service.

Please contact the surgery well in advance of travel - this must be at least 6-8 weeks before your trip.  All vaccinations must be administered at least 4 weeks before the date of travel.

We have introduced a new system for patients requiring vaccinations relating to foreign travel - you will need to contact the surgery by phone or in person to complete a travel questionnaire with one of our Patient Navigators.  An appointment will then be booked and the questionnaire processed.  Should an appointment not be required, you will be notified by text or phone and the appointment will be cancelled.

Some travel vaccines are ordered on a private prescription and these incur a charge over and above the normal prescription charge. This is because not all travel vaccinations are included in the services provided by the NHS.


a close up of a map

Further Travel Information

Travel Health (information about travel vaccines available on the NHS)

MASTA (private immunisation clinics)

UK GHIC (apply for your free European Health Insurance Card)

Nathnac (National Travel Health Network and Centre website, a Public Health England service)

Travel Health Pro (Travel Health Resources website provided by NaTHNaC)

Foreign Travel Advice (UK Government website)

Mosquito Advice Sheet (2 page pdf) (Fit for Travel)

Fear of flying advice leaflet (Important information regarding the risks of taking benzodiazepines like diazepam when travelling)

How to manage flight anxiety ( website)

Vaccinations required for different countries

The links below are taken from Fit for Travel - an NHS Scotland website with information for people travelling abroad from the UK. 

For travel in the EU, there is useful information on the Europa website


Central Asia

East Asia

Australasia & Pacific


Central America

Europe & Russia

Middle East

North America

South America & Antarctica

Travel Vaccinations provided by Fireclay Health

These are -

Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (combined), Hepatitis A and Typhoid.


Meningitis ACWY

For patients travelling on the Hajj pilgrimage, please seek private travel advice.

Malaria Chemoprophylaxis (prevention)

Your consulting nurse will discuss your malaria risk with you.  You will be advised either to buy medications at your pharmacy or to make a telephone consultation appointment with our practice pharmacists.  For malaria chemoprophylaxis prescriptions, we will charge £10 for private prescription; you will then need to pay for the tablets at a pharmacy.

Yellow Fever:

Yellow fever vaccine can only be given at registered yellow fever clinics.  Clinic details can be obtained from Nathnac web site (see above).

If we are unable to provide an appointment in time for your trip, below are some local private travel clinics:

Bristol Travel Clinic (Masta)Home - MASTA Travel Health | For All Your Vaccination advice (

Nomad Travel

Boots - over 300 branches offer a travel service

Superdrug -

Enjoy a safe and healthy holiday!